How to Play Blackjack


Blackjack with Bitcoin is a convenient game. The game draws more cryptocurrency players than other games, such as: crops, baccarat, roulette, etc.
Blackjack success is primarily determined by chance, but there is also an element of strategy involved.
In the Blackjack rules you will learn how to sway fortune in one of the most popular games.
The player bets on one or more of the boxes shown on the table.
The players are not permitted to touch or change their bets after the dealer confirms, “The bets are completed,” and makes the gesture of closing the bets with their hand.
First, the player is settled two cards “face up,” the sum of whose points allows him to determine whether or not he requires additional cards.

The target of the blackjack game is to get as close to 21 points as possible.
When the player scores more than 21 points then he loses his bet.
If the sum of the points on the dealer’s cards is greater than 21, all remaining bets in the game win.
Players who score more points than the dealer win and their bets are paid out at a 1: 1 ratio.
Players with fewer points than the dealer are eliminated.
If the sum of the player’s points equals the sum of the dealer’s points, the game is declared a “draw” or “stay”: the player’s bet does not win or lose.
The dealer is the last to draw cards, and he is required to take a card if his total points are 16 or less, and to stop if his total points are 17 or more.
Aces are counted as 1 or 11, “pictures” (jacks, queens, and kings) are worth 10 points, and the remaining cards are worth their face value.

▶ Card values in Blackjack


This is a combination of the first two cards in the deal, totaling 21 points (ace and ten or ace and a picture).
If the dealer does not have the same combination, the player’s bets are paid 3: 2.
Any other card combination, including those with a total of 21 points, is defeated by blackjack.

After the first two cards are dealt to all playing boxes, the player has the option to refuse to continue the game on any number of his boxes, incurring a loss of half of the corresponding bets.
This can be done before the third card enters the box where the SURRENDER is to be made.
If the dealer’s first card is an ace, the player cannot SURRENDER.

If the player’s first two cards are of the same denomination, that is, they have the same point value, they can be divided.
In this case, the player places an additional bet equal to the initial bet on this box and collects cards on each card separately.
All identical card pairs can only be split three times.
The exception is aces.
Aces can be split twice, and when they are split, the player receives only one card for each of the aces.
After splitting, an ace and ten (as shown in the image) counts as 21 and is not a Blackjack combination.

After receiving the first two cards, regardless of the number of points, the player may double his bet while receiving only one card.
After splitting the cards, doubling is permitted.
The dealer will always offer to double the player’s bet if the player has 9, 10, or 11 points.

If the dealer’s first card is an ace, the player may place an additional bet on the Insurance field, but not more than half the amount of the initial bets and not less than half the table minimum.
This bet pays 2: 1 if the dealer gets Blackjack; otherwise, it loses.
When the dealer’s first card is a 10, players can insure their box against Blackjack.
In this case, the dealer makes no mention of insurance.
Even Money
the player has Blackjack and the dealer’s first card is an ace, the player can receive equal money, that is, a box payment equal to his bet 1: 1, before the start of a set of cards for the first playing box.
If the player refuses equal money and the dealer has Blackjack, the player’s bet is not paid, which means he does not win or lose.

▶ Video

On a single box, up to three players can compete.
Each of their bets must not be less than the table’s minimum, and the total bet on the box must not exceed the table’s maximum.

The player controls the number of points on his boxes and ensures that they are in accordance with the value announced by the dealer.
No payments are made to the players if the dealer distributes the cards incorrectly or makes another error.

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